Monday, March 31, 2008

Hillary is a jungle animal who would eat her young to win

Hillary's morals alone disqualify her from becoming President. She is a jungle animal who would eat her young if it gave her what she desired. Her values of win at all costs even to ensuring that McCain would win against Obama is way beyond the pale. Just step back for a minute and imagine a democrat - a candidate for the democratic party stating , not once, not twice but many times that the Republican candidate is prepared to be president but your fellow democrat conetnder is not - just because he is leading you in the nomination contests. And since she would be willing to have him on her ticket as vice president shows how devious and cynical a game she is playing with her party's chances. This shows a distinct lack of values, morals and poor judgement. having set all that out, what argument would she use against John McCain. All he needs to do is keep showing the clips of her endorsing him as being ready for the job. Plus he has tons more real and relevant experience than her.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Obama Aide: Bill Clinton Is Like Joe McCarthy

Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign is trying to clarify comments by former President Clinton that seemed to question Barack Obama's patriotism—comments an Obama aide likened to Joseph McCarthy.
Clinton's campaign said the comments were being misinterpreted and quickly posted a clarification on its Web site. But retired Air Force Gen. Merrill "Tony" McPeak said he was disappointed by the comments and compared them to those of McCarthy, the 1950s communist-hunting senator.
The former president made the comments while speculating about a general election between his wife and Republican John McCain.
"I think it would be a great thing if we had an election year where you had two people who loved this country and were devoted to the interest of this country," said Clinton, who was speaking to a group of veterans Friday in Charlotte, N.C. "And people could actually ask themselves who is right on these issues, instead of all this other stuff that always seems to intrude itself on our politics."
McPeak, a former chief of staff of the Air Force and currently a co- chair of Obama's presidential campaign, said that sounded like McCarthy.
"I grew up, I was going to college when Joe McCarthy was accusing good Americans of being traitors, so I've had enough of it," McPeak said.
Clinton campaign spokesman Phil Singer rejected the comparison.
"To liken these comments to McCarthyism is absurd," Singer said. He said McPeak was "clearly misinterpreting" the remarks and suggested that might be an intentional effort to divert attention from a recent controversy involving controversial statements by Obama's former pastor.
In a posting on Hillary Rodham Clinton's Web site Friday, the campaign said the former president was simply talking about the need to keep the race focused on issues, "rather than falsely questioning any candidate's patriotism."
McPeak, who served under Clinton and the first President Bush, was skeptical.
"It's a use of language as a disguised insult. We've seen this before, this little clever spin that's put on stuff," McPeak said. "I have no idea what his intentions are, but I'm disappointed in the statement. I think Bill Clinton is, or ought to be, better than that."
The former president has attracted criticism over earlier comments during the heated Democratic primary race. Following South Carolina's primary in January, he was accused of fanning racial tensions for appearing to cast Obama as little more than a black candidate popular in state with a heavily black electorate.
He also criticized the news media for making a race story out of his comments.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama plans to make major race speech tomorrow (Tuesday)

Obama doesn't need to address the "larger issues of race" in a speech, he needs to address the SPECIFIC relationship with Rev. Wright. In all his interviews on this topic, he has repudiated the comments, but sidestepped most questions about his specific associations/relationship with Rev. Wright. By sidestepping the specific issues to speak in generalities he will accomplish nothing!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Super-delegate tally remains slippery

While Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama wage an intense contest to win the support of "super delegates" who may decide the party's nomination, getting an exact count of those elected officials and party insiders depends on the day of week. Vacancies, deaths, elections and even moving from one state to another can alter the super-delegate rolls. Consider New York. Lt. Gov. David Paterson, is already a super delegate
Comments:According to this article Paterson had committed to Hillary, but let's see if that holds. The new Muslim elected Tuesday in Indianapolis is a superdelegate too.
This election they just might have have that little bit of hypocrisy shoved right down their throats. Just like the communists and tyrants they idolize, they keep a backup plan to make sure the "democratic" process provided the correct result, whether the people want it or not. Big Government always knows whats best for the people, no need to endanger that for something as silly as democracy.. The People's Democratic Party isn't so much the people' it?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Barack Obama has won the Texas Democratic Caucuses

Barack Obama has won the Texas Democratic caucuses and will get more delegates out of the state than his rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, who won the state's primary, according to CNN estimates. Under the Texas Democratic Party's complex delegate selection plan, Texas voters participated in both a primary and caucuses on March 4. Two-thirds of the state's 193 delegates were at stake at the primary, while the remaining third were decided by the caucuses. An additional 35 superdelegates were not tied to either contest.

Yep, she (or is it he?) is a loser again. She can no longer claim she won Texas, unless she wants to lie some more. And that is getting harder and harder to do, now that it is clear that she is trying to emulate bubba in the lying category. Her campaign ship is foundering, but is not yet sunk.

Hillary Clinton can't escape agonizing past and painful present

It was a double whammy of a day for Hillary Clinton, who got pounded at the polls in Mississippi as Gov. Spitzer's mushrooming sex scandal brought ugly headlines reminiscent of her husband's philandering. Barack Obama cleaned up in the Magnolia State, 60% to 38%, with 95% of precincts reporting.
Headline alone captures the number one reason why she should never have run for president. Dems are idiots to not have seen this train wreck with the Clintons. Whenever Clintons are involved in anything, it usually spells disaster eventually for everyone around them. Why the top brass in the party has only just begun to see this reality is always going to be a mystery to me.

New York Gov. Eliot L. Spitzer a Hillary Supporter

New York's Gov. Eliot Spitzer sure hasn't done Sen. Hillary Clinton any favors lately. After all, it was Spitzer who, in the view of her advisers, caused the slide that put her where she is today, fighting from behind for the Democratic presidential nomination. A question about his proposal to let illegal immigrants get driver's licenses tripped her up in a debate in late October

Hillary's problems started with Hillary, when she tried to test the people's attitude on illegal immigration. End of Story. Of course Spitzer's proposal was idiotic, but that's what Dimwits do, they don't lead they follow, and Hillary was simply following the mood of the people by withholding comment on Spitzer's plan. So she's ready to take charge on Day One? I don't think so.

Please explain $5,500 an hour to me~

I can tell you why a Mercedes costs more than a Chevy, or why Brie costs more than Cheez Whiz.But somebody help me figure out what makes a high-class hooker worth $5,500 an hour.Even accounting for the declining value of the U.S. dollar and the escalating costs of doing business in America, this seems excessive to me. One of the leading experts on the subject is New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer.
This guy needs to get a life. High-powered Democrats, Republicans (don't be surprised if a Republican or two or three shows up on that list), Arabs, Japanese businessmen and sundry other wielders of wealth can fulfil their sexual fantasies with drop dead gorgeous women. For these folks $5,500 is pocket change. Hmmm, maybe we should be taxing the rich more.
A whore is a whore, and I though $400 for a haircut was high.