Friday, June 6, 2008

So Hillary will speak up on Saturday!

So Hillary will speak up on Saturday! And us dumb folks will listen? No, not me. I personally don't give a good crap what she says. I don't and won't believe any of it anyway, so why bother?
We already know that this has been the nastiest election yet. The spoiled brats have come to play and Hitlery is upset because she didn't win. Wah! I don't win at everything either, but I don't throw a temper tantrum and try to force myself on someone who doesn't want me. If Obamanation were to pick her, we can rest assured McClain will win. Too many have said they would not vote for that ticket. But what he picks his muslim buddy, Keith "Pork Chop" Ellison? That would be worse. Two black muslims trying to ruin a christian nation. He'd be best picking a white, middle of the road moderate, but he won't. He's too stupid to think of that. And Hitlery will not concede unless he picks her. Well screw her, never mind, I won't wish that on anybody....she's the meanest woman on the face of the planet.

I guess that Hillary never had that smoking gun. Probably now the two Dems will kiss and make up, but I don't see her really supporting Obama. And if he picks her for his running mate then he's even dumber that I thought. He's going to have to call Bill Clinton "Uncle"
If he gets in the White House he has a shot at eight years, pretty much negating any further chance for Hillary. She has to know ths and figures she has another shot in 2012 if McCan wins. She may be a clandestine saboteur to the Obama campaign.

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